September 2017
University Address:
School of Journalism and Media Studies
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4561
Department of Communication, University of California, Santa Barbara. Intergroup/intercultural Communication, 2001. Committee: Howard Giles (Chair), David Seibold, John Lammers, Russell Rumberger (Education)
School of Communication, San Diego State University. Mass Communication, 1996. Committee: David Dozier (Chair), Glen Broom, Martha Lauzen, Richard Hough (Sociology)
Post-graduate Certificate in Education (Teaching Credential)
University of Lancaster, Great Britain, 1976
B.Sc (Honours)
University of London, Great Britain, Sociology, 1975
1. Top Paper Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Entertainment Division (2017)
2. Top Paper Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Mass Communication & Society Division (2013)
3. Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Intergroup Communication Division (2012)
4. Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Intergroup Communication Division (2011)
5. Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Intergroup Communication Division (2010)
6. Top Paper Award, National Communication Association, Applied Communication Division (2008)
7. Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Intergroup Division (2007)
8. Top Paper Award, Eastern Communication Association, Applied Communication Group (2006)
9. Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Intergroup Division (2005)
10. Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Intergroup Division (2004)
11. Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Intercultural Division (2003)
12. James J. Bradac Award for Excellence in Research (2001)
13. Top paper award, National Communication Association, Commission on Communication and Aging (2001)
14. Top student paper award, International Communication Association, Instructional and Development Division (2001)
15. Top paper award, National Communication Association, Group Communication Division (2000)
16. Copley Foundation Scholarship Award (1995)
In Progress:
Barker, V. Key influences on learning from social networking sites: An experimental study of the moderating influence of attention, engagement and gender.
Barker, V. The identity project. Youth, social mobile use, and identity: The moderating role of gender.
In Review:
Barker, V. Outcomes from reported privacy concerns, perceptions about credibility and site features among social networking site users: The mediating role of flow.
Nee, R., Barker, V., & Dozier, D. M. Social TV outcomes: Exploring flow and sense of community as predictors of knowledge gain through multiplatform media usages.
Publications: Social and Digital Media
Barker, V. (2017). User perceptions about self-efficacy, features and credibility as anticedents to flow on social networking sites. Journal of Social Media in Society, 6(1), 110-143.
Barker, V.(2016) The role of attitudes about site features and sense of community in the experience of flow among virtual world visitors. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. Available at:
Hopp, T. M., & Barker, V. (2016). Investigating the influence of age, social capital affinity, and flow on positive outcomes reported by e-commerce site users. Behaviour & Information Technology. Published online: 05 April2016
Barker, V. (2015). Perceived site credibility and social capital affinity as predictors of perceived learning: The mediating role of flow. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 59, 679-697.
Hopp, T. M., Barker, V., & Schmitz Weiss, A. (2015). Interdependent self-construal, self-efficacy, and community involvement as predictors of perceived knowledge gain among MMORPG players. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 18, 468-473.
Barker, V, Dozier, D. M. Schmitz Weiss, A., & Borden, D. L. (2014). Harnessing peer potency: Predicting positive outcomes from social capital affinity and online engagement with participatory websites. New Media & Society. Published online before print April 7, 2014, doi:10.1177/1461444814530291
Barker, V, Dozier, D. M. Schmitz Weiss, A., & Borden, D. L. (2013). Facebook “Friends”: effects of social networking site Intensity, social capital affinity, and flow on reported knowledge-gain. Journal of Social Media in Society, 2, 76-97.
Barker V. (2012). A generational comparison of social networking site use: The influence of age and social identity. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 74, 163-187.
Barker V., & Ota, H. (2011). Mixi diary vs. Facebook pictures: Collective self-esteem and social networking site use among Japanese and Caucasian American females. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 40, 39-63.
Barker, V. (2009). Older Adolescents' Motivations for Use of SNS: The Influence of Gender, Group Identity and Collective Self-esteem. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12, 209-213.
Conference Papers: Social Media and Internet Research
Nee, R., & Barker, V. (August, 2017). Spoiler Alert: Can co-viewing with Smartphones save TV from YouTube? Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, Ill.
Hopp, T.M., Santana, A, & Barker, V. (2017, May). Value in news comment communities? An analysis of the influence of individual user, perceived news site quality, and site type factors. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Barker, V. (2016, August). The role of attitudes about site feature sand sense community in the experience of flow among virtual world visitors. Paper to be presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Barker, V. (2016) User perceptions about self efficacy, features and credibility as antecedents to flow on social networking sites. Paper presented at the meeting of the Encuentro VBINACOM 2016 conference, San Diego, California.
Diakov, D., & Barker, V. (August, 2015) Micro blogging the news. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, California.
Nee, R., Barker, V., & Dozier, D. M. (August, 2015). Social TV outcomes: Exploring flow and sense of community as predictors of knowledge gain through multiplatform media usages. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, California.
Schwegman, N., Barker, V., & Dozier, D. M. (August, 2015) Private searchers: Factors that affect search engine privacy concerns. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, California.
Barker, V. (May, 2015). Privacy, credibility and site features as antecedents to flow and knowledge-gain from social networking sites. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, PR.
Dozier, D. M., Shen, H., Sweetser, K. D., & Barker, V. (March, 2015). Demographics and Internet behaviors as predictors of activist publics. Paper presented at the meeting of the 18th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, Fl.
Barker, V. (2014, May). Investigating positive outcomes from younger and older ecommerce site users’ experience of social capital affinity and flow: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Barker, V, Dozier, D. M. Schmitz Weiss, A., & Borden, D. L. (2013, August). Facebook “friends”: Effects of social networking site intensity, social capital affinity, and flow on perceived knowledge-gain. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC.
Barker, V, Dozier, D. M. Schmitz Weiss, A., & Borden, D. L. (2013, August). Harnessing peer potency: Predicting positive outcomes from social capital affinity and online engagement with participatory websites. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC.
Dozier, D. M., Barker, V., Schmitz Weiss, A., & Borden, D. L. (2013, August). Surfing Alone: Search Engines, Flow, and Positive Outcomes. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC.
Schmitz Weiss, A., Barker, V., Dozier, D. M., & Borden, D. L. . (2013, August). The power of the impulse: The flow of content communities and online news consumption. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC.
Barker, V. (2012, May). Is contact enough?: The role of vicarious contact with racial outgroups via social networking sites, Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.
Barker, V. (2011, May). A Generational comparison of social networking site use: The influence of age and social identity. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Barker V., & Ota, H. (2011, February). Mixi diary vs. Facebook pictures: Collective self-esteem and social networking site use among Japanese and Caucasian American females. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western States Communication Association, Monterey, CA.
Barker, V. (2009, May). Older adolescents' motivations for use of SNS: The influence of gender, group Identity and collective self-esteem. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, Ill.
Barker, V. (2008, May). Older Adolescents' motivations for use of social networking sites: The influence of group Identification and collective self-esteem. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
Intergroup Publications
Dorjee, T. Giles, H. Barker, V. (2011). Diasporic Communication: Cultural Deviance and Accommodation among Tibetan Exiles in India. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 32 343-350.
Abrams, J., Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2009). An examination of the validity of the Subjective Vitality Questionnaire. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 1, 59-72.
Barker, V. (2008). English-only movements. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Barker, V. (2007). Young adults' reactions to grandparent painful self-disclosure: The influence of grandparent sex and overall motivations for communication. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 64, 195-215.
Barker, V., Giles, H., & Harwood, J. (2004). Inter- and intragroup perspectives on intergenerational communication. In J. F. Nussbaum & J. Coupland (Eds.), Handbook of communication and aging (2nd. Ed.) (pp. 139-166). Mahwah, NJ: LEA.
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2004). Supporting English-only policies and socially
limiting immigrants and minorities: A structural equation model. Language and Communication. 24, 77-95
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2003). Integrating the communicative predicament and enhancement of aging models: The case of older Native Americans. Health Communication. 15, 255-275.
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2002). Who Supports the English-only movement?: Evidence for misconceptions about Latino group vitality. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 23(5), 353-370.
Barker, V., Giles, H., Noels, K., Duck, J., Hecht, M., & Clément, R. (2001). The English-only movement: A communication analysis of changing perceptions of language vitality. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 3-37.
Barker, V., Abrams J. R., Tiyaamornwong, V., Seibold, D. R., Duggan, A., Park, H. S., et al. (2000). New contexts for relational communication in groups. Small Group Research, 31, 470-503.
COPPAC Publications
Stoitsova, T., Choi, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., & Hajek, C. (2009). Reported compliance in police-civilian encounters: The roles of accommodation and trust in Bulgaria and the United States. Journal of Psychological Research, 1, 99-116.
Choi, C., Hajek, C., Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2009). Reported compliance with police in Mongolia and the United States. Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, 15-16, 176-201.
Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Lin, M-C., Zhang, Y-B., Hummert, M-L. (2008). Expressed Trust and compliance in police-civilian encounters: The role of communication accommodation in Chinese and American settings. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2, 168-180.
Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Makoni, S., & Choi. (2008). Reported compliance in police-civilian encounters: The roles of accommodation and trust in Zimbabwe and the United States. Communicatio: South African Journal of Communication Theory and Research, 34, 173-187.
Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Demirtas-Madran, H. A., Pecchioni, L., & Choi, C. (2008). Perceptions of trust, compliance, and officer accommodation in police-civilian intergroup encounters: A Russian, Turkish, and American cross-national analysis. Journal of Russian Communication. 1, 127-148
Barker, V. Giles, H., Hajek, C., Ota, H., Noels, K., Lim, T-S., & Somera, L. (2008). Police-civilian Interaction, compliance, accommodation, and trust in an intergroup context: International data. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 1,93-112.
Giles, H., Hajek, C., Barker, V., Chen, M-L., Zhang, B.Y., Hummert, M.L., & Anderson, M.A. (2007). Accommodation and institutional talk: Communicative dimensions of police-civilian interactions. In A. Weatherall, B. Watson, & Gallois, G. (Eds.), Language, discourse and social psychology (pp. 131-159). Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hajek, C., Barker, V., Giles, H., Louw, J., Pecchioni, L., Makoni, S., & Myers, P. (2006). Communication dynamics of police-civilian encounters: American and African interethnic data. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 35, 161-182.
Giles, H., Fortman, J., Dailey, R., Barker, V., Hajek, C., Anderson, M.C., & Rule, N.O. (2006). Communication accommodation: Law enforcement and the public. In R. M. Dailey & B. A. Le Poire (Eds.), Applied interpersonal communication matters: Family, health, and community relations (pp. 241-269). New York: Peter Lang
COPPAC Conference Papers
Pearce, K., Giles, H. Barker, V. & Choi, C. (2010, May). The Roles of Communication and Trust in Reported Compliance with Police in Armenia and the United States. Paper to be presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Singapore
Choi, C., Hajek, C., Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2009, November). Reported Compliance with Police in Mongolia and the United States. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Ill.
Stoitstova, T., Choi, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., & Hajek, C. Reported compliance in police-civilian encounters: The roles of accommodation and trust in Bulgaria and the United States. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, Ill.
Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Makoni, A., Choi, C. (2008, November). Reported Compliance in Police-Civilian Encounters: The Roles of Accommodation and Trust in Zimbabwe and the United States. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Giles, H., Barker, V., Hajek, C., Noels, K., Lim, T-S., Ota, H., & Somera, L-B. (2007, May). Compliance, accommodation, and trust in an intergroup context: International Data. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Giles, H., Hajek, C., Barker, V., Lin, M-C, Zhang, Y. B., Hummert, & M. L., Chernikoff- Anderson, M. (2006, June). Police-Civilian Interaction: Accommodative language and police-civilian interactions across cultures. Paper presented at the annual Language and Social Psychology Conference (ICLASP 10), Bonn, Germany.
Hayek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Louw-Potgieter, J., Pecchioni, L., Sinfree, M., & Myers, P. Communicative Dynamics of Police-Civilian (2006, May). Encounters: African and American Interethnic Data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
Hayek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Lin, M-C, Hummert, M. L., & Chernikoff-Anderson, M. (2006, April) Applied communicative dimensions of police-civilian interaction:
Comparative data from Taiwan, the PRC, and the United States. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Giles, H., Fortman, J., Dailey, R., Barker, V., Hajek, C., & Anderson, M.C (2005, May). Law enforcement and the public: The role of intergroup accommodation. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.
Intergroup Conference Papers
Dorjee, T. Giles, H. Barker, V. (2011, May). Diasporic Communication: Cultural Deviance and Accommodation among Tibetan Exiles in India. Paper to be presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Barker, V. (2005, November). The Influence of Young Adult Grandchildren's Perceptions of Grandparent Emotional Disclosure and Contextual Age on Perceived Grandparent Painful Self-Disclosure. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Barker, V. (2005, May). The Influence of Mother Identity and Lifestyle Attributes on Mothers' Active Use of Parenting Magazines. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.
Barker, V. (2004, November). The influence of mother identity and mother lifestyle attributes on modern mothers' active use of parenting magazines: A structural equation model. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Ill.
Barker, V. (2004, May). Grandparents' painful self-disclosure: What do young adult grandchildren think? Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Barker, V. (2003, November). Painful self-disclosure and communication privacy management among older adults. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami Beach, FL.
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2003, May). A structural equation model of support for English-only policies and social limitation of immigrants and minorities. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2002, November). The English-only Movement: An Analysis of Changing Latino Group Vitality. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2001, November). Integrating the communicative predicament and enhancement of aging models. The case of older Native Americans. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
Barker, V. (2001, May). Painful self-disclosure as communication boundary management among older women. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington DC.
Organizational and Group Communication Conference Papers
Barker, V. & Lammers, J. C. (2001, May). The influence of perceptions of organizational communication practices and organizational climate on perceptions of organizational outcome. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington DC.
Barker, V., & Lammers, J. C. (2000, November). Cultural values, management practices, and climate: Communication in cross-national organizations. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Barker, V., & Lammers, J. C. (2000, May). Cultural values, management practices, and climate: Communication in a cross-national organization in Africa. Paper presented at the meeting of the West Coast Group Processes Conference, May, 2000, Santa Barbara, CA.
Barker, V., Abrams J. R., Tiyaamornwong, V., Seibold, D. R., Duggan, A., Park, H. S., et al. (2000, November). New contexts for relational communication in groups. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Master's Research
Barker, V., & Dozier, D. M. (1996, August). The paradox of parenting magazines. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Anaheim, CA.
Papers for Non-Academic Audiences:
Barker et al. (2008). Police communication: Why does it matter? Communication Currents.
Barker, V. (2007). Dialogue. Goodrich Aerostructures.
Barker, V. (2000). Mindful communication in cross-cultural organizations.
Barker, V. (2000). Conflict management in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural organizations.
Barker, V. (2000). Organizational vision in inter-disciplinary and intercultural health settings.
Book Reviews:
Giles, H., & Barker, V. (2002). [Review of the book The war with diversity: US language policy in an age of anxiety]. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 22, 433-435.
Giles, H. & Barker, V. (2001). [Review of the book Intergenerational communication across the lifespan]. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 5, 428-433.
Barker, V. (2000). [Review of the book Being an older woman: A study in the social production of identity]. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 19, 261-264.
Linguistic Minorities Research Institute, UCSB (1999)
Teaching Experience:
Lecturer, San Diego State University
Undergraduate classes:
JMS 428: Digital and Social Media Analytics, spring 2016, 2017
JMS 489: Research Methods in Mediated Communication, fall 2007 to present
JMS 408: Principles of Media Studies, fall 2003, 2004, fall 2009 - spring 2010, spring 2013 to present
Com 371: Intercultural Communication. Spring 2002, 2003
Aichi Shukutoku University Student Visitors, Intercultural Communication Presentation, American Language Institute, SDSU. August 2007
Graduate classes:
Com 600A: Introduction to Graduate Studies, fall 2001, 2002, 2006.
JMS 600B: Graduate Seminar in Research Methods -- Spring 2001, fall 2002, spring 2003, fall 2005, fall 2007 - 2009.
JMS 620: Graduate Seminar in Quantitative Research Methods, spring 2005 - 2009, 2014.
JMS 708: Graduate Seminar in Mass Media and Society, spring 2007.
Teaching Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara
COM 194 Intercultural Research: The English-only movement as a response to changing linguistic vitality (Professor Howard Giles). Fall, 2000, winter, 2001 & spring, 2001.
COM 129 Intergroup Communication: Guest lecture -- "Elder sexuality: An Intergroup Approach. Spring, 2000. (Professor Howard Giles).
COM 89 Communication Theory. Winter, spring 1998; winter, spring, 1999 (Professor Dorothy Mullin).
COM 88 Communication Research Methods. fall, 1998 (Professor Dorothy Mullin).
COM 1 Introduction to Communication. Fall 1997 (Professor Barbara Wilson).
Instructor, Glover's Court College of Further Education, Preston, Great Britain:
A-Level Sociology, 1976-1980.
Teacher, Lostock Hall High School, Preston, Great Britain
Social Studies 1976-1988
Research Experience:
San Diego State University
Research Associate - Excellence Study, 1995. (Professor David Dozier)
Chair, JMS Digital and Social Media Research Project Task Force. 2012-Present
University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Affiliate, COPPAC, University of California, Santa Barbara 2003 - Present
Research Assistant - Linguistic Minorities Research Institute Grant, 2000/1. (Professor Howard Giles)
Research Assistant - USAID grant, 1999-2000. (Professor John Lammers)
San Diego State University
SDSU University Senate 2016 to Present
Chair Comprehensive Exam Committees (20+)
Comprehensive Exam Committees (Endless)
Thesis Committees: Arias, Behrouzian, Berwin-Shaw, Birdsell, Columbo, Diakov, Kamau, Hopp, Karthikeyan, Kobayashi, Locascio, Meader, Siano, Trusiak, Vogelaar, Whaley
Graduate Mentor Program
Undergraduate Special Study Supervision
Graduate Special Study Supervision
Commencement 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Chair, JMS Digital and Social Media Research Task Force 2012 to present
University of California, Santa Barbara
Rupe Chair Job Search Committee, 1998
Awards Committee, 1999
Development Committee, 2000
Task Force on the English-only Movement, 1999-2000
Reviewer, Mass Communication Division and Theme Sessions
Panel Chair, Organizational Communication, San Francisco, 2010
Reviewer -- Peer Review Journals
1. American Communication Journal
2. Behaviour & Information Technology
3. Computers and Education
4. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking
5. Information Systems Journal
6. Mass Communication & Society
7. New Media & Society
8. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
9. Journal of Communication
10. Human Communication Research
11. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
12. Journal of Language and Social Psychology
13. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development
14. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
15. Personality and Social Psychology Review
16. Social Science Computer Review
17. Social Science Quarterly
18. Western Journal of Communication
19. Communication Quarterly
20. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations -- Special issue, guest reviewer
Proposal Evaluator -- Austrian Science Fund
Applicant: Dr, Natalia WÄCHTER (University of Vienna)
Project title: The Construction of Identity on SNS: Transcending boundaries between public and private
Proposal Evaluator -- Mitacs, Suite 301, Technology Enterprise Facility. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3
Applicant: Dalhousie University , Halifax, NS, Canada
Project title: Workshop on Measuring and Studying Influence within Online Social Networks
Doctoral Examiner -- University of Queensland, Australia
Examination of a Doctor of Philosophy Thesis - Michael Meehan (31129008)
Examination of a Doctor of Philosophy Thesis - Jen Lee Teh (42263083)
Professional Association Memberships:
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (Communication Technology, Mass Communication and Society)
International Communication Association (Mass Communication; Communication and
Technology; Intergroup Communication)
National Communication Association - (Mass Communication; Communication & Aging; International/Intercultural Communication)
Center on Police Practices and Communication (COPPAC)