Barker, V, Dozier, D. M. Schmitz Weiss, A., & Borden, D. L. (2013). Facebook “Friends”: Effects of Social Networking Site Intensity, Social Capital Affinity, and Flow on Reported Knowledge-Gain. Journal of Social Media in Society, 2, 76-97.
Abrams, J., Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2009). An examination of the validity of the Subjective Vitality Questionnaire. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 1, 59-72.
Barker, V. (2008). English-only movements. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Barker, V. (2007). Young adults' reactions to grandparent painful self-disclosure: The influence of grandparent sex and overall motivations for communication. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 64, 195-215.
Barker, V., Giles, H., & Harwood, J. (2004). Inter- and intragroup perspectives on intergenerational communication. In J. F. Nussbaum & J. Coupland (Eds.), Handbook of communication and aging (2nd. Ed.) (pp. 139-166). Mahwah, NJ: LEA.
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2004). Supporting English-only policies and socially limiting immigrants and minorities: A structural equation model. Language and Communication. 24, 77-95
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2003). Integrating the communicative predicament and enhancement of aging models: The case of older Native Americans. Health Communication. 15,255-275.
Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2002). Who Supports the English-only movement?: Evidence for misconceptions about Latino group vitality. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 23(5), 353-370.
Barker, V., Giles, H., Noels, K., Duck, J., Hecht, M., & Clément, R. (2001). The English-only movement: A communication analysis of changing perceptions of language vitality. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 3-37.
Barker, V., Abrams J. R., Tiyaamornwong, V., Seibold, D. R., Duggan, A., Park, H. S., et al. (2000). New contexts for relational communication in groups. Small Group Research, 31,470-503.
COPPAC Publications
Stoitsova, T., Choi, C., Giles,
H., Barker, V., & Hajek, C. (2009). Reported compliance in
police-civilian encounters: The roles of accommodation and trust in Bulgaria
and the United States. Journal of Psychological Research,
1, 99-116.
Choi, C., Hajek, C., Barker, V., & Giles, H. (2009). Reported compliance with police in Mongolia and the United States. Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, 15-16, 176-201.
Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Lin, M-C., Zhang, Y-B., Hummert, M-L. (2008). Expressed Trust and compliance in police-civilian encounters: The role of communication accommodation in Chinese and American settings. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2, 168-180.
Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Makoni, S., & Choi. (2008). Reported compliance in police-civilian encounters: The roles of accommodation and trust in Zimbabwe and the United States. Communicatio: South African Journal of Communication Theory and Research, 34, 173-187.
Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Demirtas-Madran, H. A., Pecchioni, L., & Choi, C. (2008). Perceptions of trust, compliance, and officer accommodation in police-civilian intergroup encounters: A Russian, Turkish, and American cross-national analysis. Journal of Russian Communication. 1,127-148
Barker, V. Giles, H., Hajek, C., Ota, H., Noels, K., Lim, T-S., & Somera, L. (2008). Police-civilian Interaction, compliance, accommodation, and trust in an intergroup context: International data. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 1,93-112.
Giles, H., Hajek, C., Barker, V., Chen, M-L., Zhang, B.Y., Hummert, M.L., & Anderson, M.A. (2007). Accommodation and institutional talk: Communicative dimensions of police-civilian interactions. In A. Weatherall, B. Watson, & Gallois, G. (Eds.), Language, discourse and social psychology (pp. 131-159). Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hajek, C., Barker, V., Giles, H., Louw, J., Pecchioni, L., Makoni, S., & Myers, P. (2006). Communication dynamics of police-civilian encounters: American and African interethnic data. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 35, 161-182.
Giles, H., Fortman, J., Dailey, R., Barker, V., Hajek, C., Anderson, M.C., & Rule, N.O. (2006). Communication accommodation: Law enforcement and the public. In R. M. Dailey & B. A. Le Poire (Eds.), Applied interpersonal communication matters: Family, health, and community relations(pp. 241-269). New York: Peter Lang